Something I wanted to do to kick off 2025 is the 75 Hard challenge. If you’re not familiar with this, it’s definitely not a challenge for everyone. It can very much put you in the ‘all or nothing’ mentality, and that can be difficult to break out of. (Been there, done that!) While I didn’t necessarily ‘need’ this challenge right now, I WANTED to do it, even in the freezing cold winter!
In today’s episode, I want to talk about what it looks like to ‘do hard things’, and why you need to stop waiting for ideal conditions to start LIVING. If I would have tried to commit to 75 Hard last year, it would not have gone well!
Maybe you’re in a tough season with postpartum, parenting, farm life, or something else. While these seasons can be realllly freaking hard, they’re a part of our lives, and we’ve got to move through them. When we do the hard things and make it through hard seasons, we have an even deeper appreciation of all the GOOD!
I hope this episode encourages you to get out there, and embrace your ‘winter’. Stop waiting for ideal conditions (i.e. spring and summer) before you enjoy and flourish in your life. You CAN do hard things, friend - you’re strong, and capable, and I believe in you!
In this episode, I cover:
- Why I chose to do the 75 Hard challenge to kick off the new year
- My realization around why I (used) to hate winter + why we’re not meant to ‘summer’ all year long
- The sad reality that is many of us are constantly yearning for a ‘better’ circumstance
- Embracing YOUR winter, instead of waiting for spring or summer to live your life
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Resources & Links:
- 75 Hard Challenge
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- Gather in Growth podcast produced by: Jill Carr Podcasting
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