Julie Stevens grew up in Southern California and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area at 13 to live with her two moms during a time of profound social change, marked by the Civil Rights, Women’s Rights, and LGBTQ movements. Amidst this vibrant atmosphere, Julie struggled with her identity and turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with early family turbulence. However, her community, including her moms, grandmother, and mentors, played a crucial role in helping her find confidence and purpose.
Sarah Knapik is a student and teacher of spirituality. She teaches yoga, she is a medicine woman, and a mother to 2 boys.
In This Episode- The Urban Retreat Center (URC)
- Julie's IG: @therealjuliestevens
- Sarah's website
- Sarah's IG: @sarahmoneyvibes
- Altar of the Heart IG: @altaroftheheartchurch
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