Join Happy Ali in this amazing episode with Dr. Neeta Bhushan, as they discuss those awful, terrible, sucker-punch moments in life. The ones that knock you down, burn you up, or make you cringe so hard you wish it was all a bad dream. These epic, messy, oh-no-oh-crap moments of chaos are just part of life–yet, as Dr. Neeta Bhushan shows us, they're also beautiful opportunities for change. You can listen to the episode on all podcast platforms DR. NEETA BHUSHAN, best-selling author and acclaimed expert on resilience & grit, an advocate on emotional & mental health, international educator, who has helped thousands elevate their lives through her signature G.R.I.T. process. Her new book, THAT SUCKED, NOW WHAT?: How to Embrace the Joy in Chaos and Find Magic in the Mess hits bookstore shelves January 31, 2023. fb: neetabhushan1111 insta: neetahbhushan linkedIn: drneetabhushan twitter: NeetaBhushan youtube: NeetaBhushanofficial #startingover #resillience #strongwomen #lifegetsbetter #itwillbeokay #happyali #neetabhushan