Morning Mantra: “It’s the sweet, simple things in life that are the real ones after all.”
For the longest time, it feels like I’ve been trying to make sense of life. But now I see, there’s no sense to be made, only life to be lived.
For the longest time I was searching for this grand purpose to my life, to give myself a reason for being here. But now I realize that life isn’t a set purpose to fulfill, life isn’t important checklists to complete, life isn’t doing as much as it is being. Life is a brief moment to breathe, to love, to be kind, to feel.
Life isn’t in the huge accomplishments, the devastating disappointments, that is only a part of life and if that is all you focus on, you’ll miss most of it.
Life is in all the simple, little things that we so often overlook while we are chasing the big things or running from our failures. I wish it hadn’t taken me so long to realize this. I wonder how much life I missed?
Be here, be present, embrace your journey. There is so much beauty and wonder to be found right where you are. There is so much living to be done.
#BeBetterForYou #BeHappy #BeHippie #MorningMantra #WordsToInspire #InspirationalQuotes #SmallBusinessOwner #WomenOwned #HorseHippie #HorsehippieBoutique
Quotes: Laura Ingalls Wilder, George Harrison