ein Designpodcast der BURG
How do I get into coding as a designer? Can programming be entertaining and on which platforms does the Creative Code community meet? In episode 38 of the Hurra Hurra Podcast, Christian Zöllner and Raphaël de Courville talk about ways in which skills can be imparted outside of traditional educational institutions and learning communities can assemble through online platforms like Discord. Furthermore, de Courville gives an insight into the question of how media artists benefit from NFTs and how harmful the NFT market really is to the climate.
#creativecode #learnability #nft
Raphaël de Courville is a designer, artist, and illustrator from Paris. Since 2012 he has been the co-host of Creative Code Berlin, a community that promotes interdisciplinary exchanges between art and technology. Raphaël hosts live streams about creative code every Tuesday and Sunday on Twitch. He lives and works in Berlin.
→ Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
→ Raphaël de Courville's Linktree
→ Raphaël de Courville on Twitter
→ Article: Why “Fine Arts” Can No Longer Be Culturally Relevant
Article:"The problem of (Ethereum) CryptoArt by Joanie Lemercier
Creative Code Berlin meetups
My twitch channel: twitch.tv/sableraph
The Birbs's Nest Discord: https://discord.gg/S8c7qcjw2b
Memos tweet / thread on the nft eco issue
If people want to dive deeper, I made this timeline of the "cleanNFT" movement: