Hey there, educator friends! I have a question for you. How many of you love doing read alouds with your students? I’m going to guess and say almost all of you. And how about your students – do they love it as much as you do? If your answers are an astounding YES and YES, then you’re going to love Dr. Molly Ness, our guest on this episode of Leading Literacy. Molly is a former teacher, college educator, reading clinician, and researcher and describes herself as “a fierce advocate for literacy equity, access, and research-based instruction.”
You’ll hear how her experiences helped shape her belief in the transformative power of literacy. We talk about Molly’s newest book out titled, “Read Alouds for All Learners: A Comprehensive Plan for Every Subject, Every Day” and SO. MUCH. MORE.
Check out the following links mentioned in this episode: We Need Diverse Books, Laundromat Library League, Barbershop Books, and End Book Deserts Podcast.