Why are so many women being initiated into the sacred dark? Why is the Dark Feminine speaking so loudly right now? How do we go into reclaiming these wild aspects of the feminine? What treasures lay at the root, in our wild woman and dark feminine nature?
Miriam Ropschitz, founder of Moon Body, guides wild women back to the sensuality, wisdom and magick which is their birthright. She joins the podcast the discuss the dark feminine depths, mysteries of the root, and how to reclaim the sacred dark.
Her initiation into the field of the dark feminine
How to find your wild woman and dark feminine nature
Historical origins of the witch hunts
Miriam's Website: https://moon-body.com/
Miriam's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moon_body/
Miriam's Dark Feminine Medicine Underworld Journey: https://moon-body.com/dfm
Jaclyn's Website: https://myrubyray.com/
Jaclyn's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaclynnorton/