What is a star seed? How can we support new souls coming upon earth in this time? Are you open to expand your galactic awareness? What beautiful and wise messages does your spirit baby want to tell you?
Special Guest Episode: Abby Lynn As a lifelong experiencer, Abby has always had a seat at the galactic table. This knowledge of her higher self and consciousness strengthened her connection to multidimensional beings. Having experienced galactic healing centers, Abby has access to an array of healing modalities. Through her Arcturian, Lyran and Elvish connections, she channels blue light, golden light, DNA activation, and voice frequency healing. Her mission is to be a bridge between dimensional beings and source code. As a Reiki Master, Public Speaker, TV Producer, and Co-Founder of Raising Starseeds podcast, Abby utilizes multiple mediums to reach people, as both a storyteller and a teacher. Contact: https://www.auricray.com/session