Elsie Spittle is a teacher of the Three Principles, was mentored by Syd Banks and has mentored many others herself. She’s just released a new book, What if You Already Knew the Answers to Your Questions? and when I read it, I invited her to come and share more on this freeing idea.
You can find the book here:
On amazon.co.uk: https://www.amazon.co.uk/What-Already-Knew-Answers-Questions-ebook/dp/B09QRMQ3VC
Or amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/What-Already-Knew-Answers-Questions-ebook/dp/B09QRMQ3VC
You can find out more about Elsie and her work here: https://3phd.net/
P.S Whenever you’re ready…here are 3 ways we can help you find a little peace of mind for yourself:
1. Watch the free video: Freedom from Anxiety –The solution to anxiety, panic attacks and stress. Click here.
2. Grab a copy of the book: A Little Peace of Mind. Click here.
3. Work with me or one of my team privately: Click here.