Greetings from Appalachia. Hugs from my heart to your heart. I hope you are well and healthy and blessed up in this moment.
What happens for you when everything shatters? When you drain your battery down to nothing? What fears and coping mechanisms arise in you when you feel the most stuck, run down, overwhelmed, and worn out?
Most of us on the path of awakening find ourselves traversing the bardo of fear. The fear of living. The fear of dying. The fear of no purpose. The fear of being seen fully. The fear of missing out. The fear of illness. The fear of not being ok. Of doing it wrong. Of something being wrong with you.
The truth of eternal love, and the fear that you are a broken piece that will never find your way back home to it. That Source has forsaken you.
That you are somehow unworthy of love and healing and connection. That you have harmed yourself. That you have missed the boat. That whatever you are doing is not enough.
We are all afraid of death. The ending. And so we have this deep fear of things going off the rails. Of the plan not coming to fruition. That we will lose our abilities in some way. That we will lose people and things and places we love.
What if you don't do something epic in this life? What if you stay stuck? What if it never gets better? What if you just can't change it?
The reality sets in that you will die. Trees die. Birds die. Death is part of life. It is life itself. And the body is not afraid to die. It knows how to die. We have died infinite times and will always die. Death is an illusion.
And yet the fear persists.
What do you do when that fear becomes reality? When health or home or love or life ends? What do you do in the wake of death and destruction? What do you do when the dark water of the shadow threatens to engulf you? How do you respond when death comes knocking at your door?
What do you do when it is all too much?
Resistance to WHAT IS creates all suffering. Perfectionism is self harm. This idea that you need to do it all in some specific way OR ELSE. That you need to be the most evolved self. That you can't change your mind or beliefs. That you can't fall apart and make mistakes and constantly be learning and evolving.
Because what will people think?
What you resist is going to keep coming at you until you learn the lesson. The darkness is here to teach you, to grow you, to make you stronger and more powerful. The things that you do not want, that you are afraid of, that you avoid and disassociate from, these are your greatest teachers.
When the river floods her banks, we are left with the aftermath of the flood. The dark waters of the shadow reveal the soft underbelly of your deepest fears. The flood is death. And only through death can you be reborn anew, stronger, more sovereign, more present. Immortal in your innovation. Empowered to take a stand to go all in on being here now with everything you need. Even when it is not what you want.
In this week's podcast episode I am sharing about how to fortify yourself in times of struggle and darkness. How to take nurturing care of your human body, your physical self, your emotions, your mind, and your spirit so that you can be a soft warrior of light.
Learn about what you can do right now to stop whatever is engulfing you and return your river to her banks so you can be in flow. How to start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can.
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THANK YOU for all the beautiful donations and support family, we are so grateful for your generosity.
If you want to help in the long term:
Donate a ceremony spot to someone in need via Venmo to @sinclairfleetwood
I love you Asheville.