Over the years, countless strategies have been created to help differently wired kids succeed in school and life. But as the neurodiversity movement grows, there's increasing awareness that many of these approaches focus on fitting neurodivergent kids into neurotypical environments and norms, rather than embracing and respecting their unique ways of experiencing the world.
My guest, Elizabeth Sautter, a speech-language pathologist and social-emotional learning specialist, was initially trained in a more traditional “medical model” focused on diagnosing and "fixing" behaviors to promote conformity to neurotypical standards. She co-authored the popular Whole Body Listening Larry series, which aimed to help kids improve listening skills and attention by engaging their whole body. While intended to support neurodivergent students, Elizabeth later recognized that the series reinforced ableist concepts.
Now, Elizabeth is on a mission to promote a neurodiversity-affirming, strengths-based approach that emphasizes acceptance and advocating for individualized support. She’s been instrumental in updating the series with a new, neurodiversity-affirming title: Listen, Learn, and Grow: A Whole Body Listening Larry Story to Help Kids Regulate, Listen, and Engage. As the publisher notes, “Listening Larry is back, and he’s learned a few things about neurodiversity.”
Elizabeth, author of Make Social and Emotional Learning Stick!, co-author of The Zones of Regulation children’s books, card decks, and games, and part of the EveryDay Regulation team, joins me to talk about her journey from traditional speech pathology to embracing a neurodiversity-affirming approach. We’ll dive into the story of Whole Body Listening Larry, how she responded to critical feedback from the neurodivergent community, and the development of new resources that promote inclusivity and understanding. Plus, we’ll explore what it really means to be a “good listener.”
And, as we discuss, Elizabeth’s big goal is to replace the original Whole Body Listening Larry with the updated, neurodiversity-affirming version. So if you see the original in libraries, classrooms, or even on your own shelf, we encourage you to swap it out!
About Elizabeth Sautter
Elizabeth A. Sautter, MA, CCC, is a speech-language pathologist/social-emotional expert, speaker, author, and trainer. She is the author of Make Social and Emotional Learning Stick! Practical activities to help your child manage emotions, navigate social situations & reduce anxiety, along with many other resources, including an online course and community for parents. Elizabeth collaborates with the Zones of Regulation team as a trainer and is a coauthor of the Zones children’s books, card decks, and games. She is also part of the EveryDay Reglation team with the focus on providing neurodiversity affirming resources for whole body regulation. She loves to connect on @elizabeth.sautter (IG), ElizabethSautterMACCCSLP (FB) or www.ElizabethSautter.com
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