How do you demonstrate your authority and expertise with your clients and stay top of mind even when they aren’t in a booking-travel mode?
If you are like most advisors, you post on social media. But when you do, you give all of the power to them – to decide who to show your content to and when.
Staying top of mind with travelers via a newsletter that shows up in their inbox consistently is the best way to stay engaged with your clients.
If the idea of creating weekly content feels overwhelming, you are not alone.
You have questions…
WHAT do I write about? After all I don’t write for Conde Nast and AFAR, I’m a travel advisor.
WHEN will I find the time? My week is already overfull.
WHO will I send it to? I don’t have a big email list.
HOW do choose a platform? I have no idea.
WHERE do I begin such an overwhelming task? I can’t possibly add another thing to my plate.
I have the answers and I will teach you how to create an engaging newsletter that is targeted to your ideal client, guarantee that you get it sent out every week and has travelers thinking of you the next time they want to plan an adventure.
I have written a weekly newsletter to my clients since Feb 2021 without ever missing one.
Follow two rules:
1. start small
2. be consistent
Take away:
1. An action plan
2. A newsletter framework
3. A scheduling plan
4. A short list of the best email platforms
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