What the agencies won‘t tell you is that, you can easily figure out if you can immigrate through studying or not. The website is called Comprehensive Ranking System, now, google it. I am going to go with a long paragraph to cover everything about this score system, so be patient, because this is very important.
Through clicking on the options, you will receive your score. Let’s take a 30 year old bachelor degree holder for example. She is single, and 30 years old, after one year’s study in Canada, she now have “Two or more certificates, one must be for a program of three or more years(that means 4 years’ bachelor degree)” , she had an one-year post-graduate certificate, her Ielts result is less than 2 years old, as listening 8, speaking 7, reading 7 and writing 7, and she does not have other language certificate (meaning French only), she had one year’s work experience in Canada, and more than 3 years’ work experience out side of Canada, both of the work experience qualified to apply for PR (we will talk about the qualified job titles in another chapter), she does not have a certificate of qualification from a Canadian province, territory or federal body, no valid job offer supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment, no nomination certificate from a province or territory, and she does not have siblings living in Canada. Now if you click on calculate button, you find the score of 512.
把每个选项都选对,你就能知道你现在的分数。我们拿一个三十岁的本科生来打比方。她单身,在加拿大读书一年后,她拥有“两个或以上的学位,其中一个是三年制以上的学位(也就是四年制本科学位)”, 她已获得一年的硕士学位证书,她的雅思在两年有效期内,分数是听力8分,口语阅读和写作都是7分,她没有其他语言证书(法语证书),她已在加拿大工作一年,并且在加拿大境外工作满三年,两个工作都符合移民要求(我们会单独开一篇来聊聊符合移民要求的工作职位),她没有加拿大省级地级或者联邦出具的资质书,没有雇主担保,没有省提名文件,她也没有直系亲属在加拿大。现在点击计算,你就能看到分数是512.
Now you google the updated Round of Invitation, and you will see the current score that qualifies the invitation for immigration. (As of November 2020, the invited score is 473+). If you play the system around for a bit, you will realize, if she is 29 years old when applying for the immigration, her score is 517, but if she is 31, the score is 506.
What does that mean? It means if at the age of 23, you work for three years, and then start the one-year education, work for an year, and apply for immigation at the age of 28, with every step tightly connected to each other, you will have no trouble getting your PR.
Now let’s move on to the job title that you will need to get your PR.