Good news: Fed's wife had a baby! Bad news: this podcast is pretty much roadkill, at least for now.
This final, rambling epic of a session is most likely the last version of this show in its current form. Dan Wakes Up Screaming produced 61 episodes over four years, and we wish we could tell you that we left the world in better shape than when we started out, but you know how it is.
Here's the main thing: we've got an idea for a new show, and as soon as we can all get in the same room for an hour, we hope to start recording it. It won't be soon, but it won't be impossibly far off either, so don't delete this feed, continue discussing us with your podcast-listening friends, and keep rating us on iTunes, early and often.
From Dan and the other two fellows: many happy returns.
Music Credits:
“Many Happy Returns” by Guillaume Tucker
"Baby Baby Baby" by Barreracudas
"Fighting Muzak" by Elvis Herod
"The Dogs Of Corporate America" by Schemawound
"Fatherhood" by Tha Silent Partner
"At the Gym" by Glove Compartment
"Pee-Pee-Maw-Maw" by Greg Houwer
"Chock Fool of Nuts" by Guinea Worms
"Dumb Baby" by The Coathangers
"Denver" by Blah Blah Blah