This Week in Mormons

EP 577 – General Conference Recap, April 2022

04.04.2022 - By This Week in MormonsPlay

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General Conference was huge! From new temples to updated statistical reports, from excellent prophetic counsel to wholly unnecessary breakdowns of speakers' ties, we'll forever be grateful for the April 2022 General Conference.

Join Geoff Openshaw, Hailey Smith, and Devin Thorpe (plus a random surprise guest who shows up two-thirds of the way through) to discuss our impressions and thoughts on the remarks of the conference, including our favorite talks, anything ostensibly controversial, and much more!

Editor's Note: At one point, one of the panelists says President Bingham presided over the women's session. That is incorrect. President Nelson presided.


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Hey, what's up party people happy post conference aura to all of you welcome to this week Mormons I'm Jeff Opensott it's nice to have you with us appreciate you taking the time. Yeah we're not live streaming this episode as you know because you're getting this through your pod catchers. Sometimes we do that but not this time around. So ah, if you want to like pay for us to have professional Zoom. Or something I will do that I would feel guilty maybe not guilty like we have a paid Zoom account for my ward but I feel ethically compromised if I were to use that to record this week and more I just don't think that's an appropriate use of of funds. So we're not doing that anyway, we're excited to bring conference with this weekend and we got a. Ah, little trio here today and we're gonna talk about the weekend where things stop laughing Haley it is good. This is a good thing. You.



Ah, Jevi Jeff I think she's allowed to laugh. She's a you know.



Ah I just I'm just really hoping we sing say tree. Ah.



Um, um, Haley's only lot so I'll introduce our guest. We've got Haley Smith how you doing Haley nice to have good everybody and devah thorp is here what's up devin nice to have you both Haley's probably laughing cause six months ago we recorded as well and had some.



I'm doing great. Thanks! deb.



Hey it's great to be here.



Ah, couple of last minuteute cancellations. So we wound up a trio but then the episode wound up being really nice. We all talked in and and the end how we had kind of a more robust discussion than when we have like 10 people on it once. So yes.



Right? And so my plan to sabotage everyone else so it would just vs worked and it worked again.



Um, ah.



Really the point of this is I try to get as many people as I can so they can speak intelligently and I can just kind of sit back and just play moderator and the point of this is to out you know, um to offload my workload really, that's what I'm trying to get at ah but we're excited to talk conference you kno...

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