Fluent Fiction - Indonesian:
Trapped in Time: Escaping the Forgotten WWII Bunker Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Hujan deras mengguyur hutan lebat tempat Adi, Dewi, dan Rizky melewati akhir pekan mereka.
En: Heavy rain poured down on the dense forest where Adi, Dewi, and Rizky were spending their weekend.
Id: Ketiganya adalah sahabat sejak kecil.
En: The three of them had been friends since childhood.
Id: Mereka suka bertualang, mencari tempat-tempat tersembunyi penuh sejarah.
En: They loved to go on adventures, searching for hidden places filled with history.
Id: Namun, hari ini, satu penemuan membawa mereka pada petualangan yang tak terduga.
En: However, today, one discovery led them on an unexpected adventure.
Id: Di tengah hutan, di antara pohon-pohon pinus besar, Dewi menemukan jalan rahasia ke sebuah bunker tua peninggalan Perang Dunia II.
En: In the middle of the forest, among the large pine trees, Dewi found a secret path to an old bunker from World War II.
Id: "Ayo, kita intip ke dalam!
En: "Come on, let's take a peek inside!"
Id: " katanya dengan antusias, meski hatinya berdebar-debar karena mereka harus masuk ke ruang sempit yang gelap.
En: she said enthusiastically, even though her heart was pounding because they had to enter the narrow, dark space.
Id: Mereka mendapati pintu bunker terbuat dari logam tebal berkarat.
En: They found the bunker door made of thick rusted metal.
Id: Di dalam, udara terasa pengap dan bau lembap menyeruak.
En: Inside, the air felt stifling, and the smell of dampness was pervasive.
Id: Dinding betonnya dipenuhi lumut, dan lampu senter ketiganya adalah satu-satunya sumber cahaya.
En: Its concrete walls were covered in moss, and their flashlights were the only source of light.
Id: Saat mereka menjelajah lebih dalam, suara gemuruh air dari luar semakin jelas.
En: As they explored further, the rumbling sound of water from outside became clearer.
Id: Adi mengernyit, merasa khawatir.
En: Adi frowned, feeling worried.
Id: "Kita harus segera keluar sebelum air naik," katanya dengan nada tegas.
En: "We need to get out before the water rises," he said firmly.
Id: Dia sadar, keselamatan teman-temannya ada di tangannya.
En: He understood that his friends' safety was in his hands.
Id: Namun, pintu keluar yang mereka masuki sekarang terendam air.
En: However, the exit they had entered was now submerged in water.
Id: Dewi mulai merasa cemas, ruang sempit semakin menambah gentar rasa takutnya.
En: Dewi began to feel anxious, the narrow space increasing her sense of fear.
Id: "Adi, kita harus cari jalan lain," katanya dengan suara gemetar.
En: "Adi, we need to find another way," she said with a trembling voice.
Id: Rizky, biasanya selalu melontarkan lelucon untuk meringankan suasana, kini terdiam.
En: Rizky, usually always cracking jokes to lighten the mood, was now silent.
Id: Dia tahu, ini bukan waktunya bercanda.
En: He knew this wasn't the time for jokes.
Id: "Mungkin ada pintu rahasia atau terowongan lain," usulnya dengan penuh harap.
En: "Maybe there's a secret door or another tunnel," he suggested hopefully.
Id: Adi mengangguk.
En: Adi nodded.
Id: "Kita harus mencoba menelusuri lebih dalam.
En: "We need to try and explore deeper.
Id: Tapi kita harus cepat.
En: But we have to be quick."
Id: "Mereka melangkah dengan hati-hati, mencoba mengabaikan lantai yang licin.
En: They stepped carefully, trying to ignore the slippery floor.
Id: Saat itulah mereka menemukan terowongan kecil, sebagian terendam air.
En: That's when they found a small tunnel, partially submerged in water.
Id: "Ini satu-satunya jalan," kata Adi, suaranya mencoba meyakinkan.
En: "This is the only way," Adi said, trying to sound convincing.
Id: "Apakah kita harus berenang?
En: "Do we have to swim?"
Id: " tanya Dewi dengan sedikit ketakutan.
En: asked Dewi with a hint of fear.
Id: Tak ada pilihan lain.
En: There was no other choice.
Id: Adi tahu dia harus menguatkan teman-temannya.
En: Adi knew he had to strengthen his friends.
Id: "Kita bisa melakukannya bersama," katanya dengan pasti.
En: "We can do it together," he said confidently.
Id: Dengan keberanian yang terkumpul, mereka menyelam dan berenang melalui air sejernih kristal meski dingin.
En: With courage gathered, they dove and swam through the crystal-clear yet cold water.
Id: Terowongan terasa sempit, dan setiap detik berlalu seakan-akan waktu ikut berlomba dengan derasnya air.
En: The tunnel felt narrow, and every passing second seemed like time was racing against the rushing water.
Id: Setelah beberapa saat yang menegangkan, mereka akhirnya melihat cahaya di ujung terowongan.
En: After a few tense moments, they finally saw light at the end of the tunnel.
Id: Dengan segenap tenaga, mereka berenang dan muncul di hutan yang sama, tetapi di bagian yang lebih tinggi dan aman dari banjir.
En: With all their strength, they swam and emerged in the same forest, but in a higher area safe from the flood.
Id: Napas mereka terengah-engah, tubuh mereka basah kuyup, namun senyuman tak bisa lepas dari wajah mereka.
En: Their breaths were heavy, their bodies drenched, yet smiles couldn't leave their faces.
Id: Di bawah hujan yang masih tak henti, mereka merayakan kemenangan kecil mereka atas rasa takut dan tantangan.
En: Under the still-pouring rain, they celebrated their small victory over fear and challenge.
Id: Adi merasa lebih percaya diri dengan kemampuannya sebagai pemimpin.
En: Adi felt more confident in his abilities as a leader.
Id: Dewi, meskipun masih merasa gentar, sedikit lebih berani menghadapi ruang tertutup.
En: Dewi, although still feeling startled, was a bit braver in facing enclosed spaces.
Id: Sementara Rizky memahami nilai dari keseriusan saat diperlukan.
En: Meanwhile, Rizky understood the value of seriousness when needed.
Id: Petualangan hari itu memberi banyak pelajaran.
En: That day's adventure taught many lessons.
Id: Mereka tidak hanya menemukan jalan keluar dari bunker, tetapi juga menemukan keberanian yang tersembunyi di dalam diri mereka masing-masing.
En: They not only found a way out of the bunker, but also discovered hidden courage within themselves.
Id: Kini, di tengah hutan, mereka bersiap pulang dengan membawa cerita baru yang takkan terlupakan.
En: Now, in the middle of the forest, they were ready to go home with a new story that would not be forgotten.
Vocabulary Words:
- dense: lebat
- adventure: petualangan
- hidden: tersembunyi
- discovery: penemuan
- enthusiastically: dengan antusias
- pounding: berdebar-debar
- narrow: sempit
- dark: gelap
- rusted: berkarat
- stifling: pengap
- pervasive: menyeruak
- moss: lumut
- frowned: mengernyit
- firmly: dengan tegas
- submerged: terendam
- anxious: cemas
- trembling: gemetar
- cracking jokes: melontarkan lelucon
- tunnel: terowongan
- slippery: licin
- hint: sedikit
- strengthen: menguatkan
- courage: keberanian
- emerged: muncul
- drenched: basah kuyup
- victory: kemenangan
- challenge: tantangan
- braver: lebih berani
- seriousness: keseriusan
- lessons: pelajaran