In this episode of Freedom From Fear, we’re joined by Ali Hemaidan, founder of a holistic skincare line and a passionate GNM student. Ali shares tangible, real-life examples of how she embodies the GNM paradigm in her own healing journey and family life. From navigating her daughter's separation conflict during breastfeeding weaning, to resolving her own bite and "can't swallow" conflicts, to healing from a scare-fright conflict after her daughter’s accident - Ali’s stories bring GNM concepts to life.
Ali openly discusses her experience with the Kidney Collecting Tubules (KCT) program during her postpartum period, and how looking at symptoms through the lens of GNM has helped her feel empowered rather than fearful when her children have symptoms. She also touches on how understanding human design has given her and her family insight into potential conflict predispositions.
This episode is packed with real-world insights and practical examples of how shifting mindset and language can transform health and healing for yourself and your family.
Please join us January 25-26 in Austin, TX for PARADIGM SHIFT: A GNM Weekend! This will be a weekend of fun, building community, and learning about how to integrate GNM into your life. Visit for details and info on how to register. We'd love to see you there!
Ashlee - @alchemywithashlee
Abigail - @ajpuccioni
Ashlee -
Abigail -
Instagram - @habibti_hemaidan
The Skin Juice - @the_skinjuice
If you would like to submit a question or comment about the podcast, please reach out to us at [email protected]!