The Science of Happiness

Happiness Break: Take a Break With Our Loving-Kindness Meditation

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Loving-kindness meditation, or “metta,” has its roots in Buddhist traditions that date back thousands of years. Studies show it can help nourish your capacity to express love, feel more satisfied in life, and enhance brain areas involved in emotional processing and empathy. 

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Episode Summary

Dacher guides us in a meditation that has been practiced over thousands of years. Together, we will mentally extend goodwill, kindness, and warmth towards others and ourselves, in a series of mantras. 

How To Do This Practice

  1. Find a comfortable position, you may lie down or be seated.
  2. Bring your attention and awareness to the breath at the belly. Inhale and exhale, noticing sensations of breath. 
  3. Bring to mind someone who you really believe has your best interests in their heart.
  4. Choose just one person and bring them to mind as though they were next to you.
  5. Imagine them truly wishing for you to be happy and fulfilled. Imagine their smile. Feel their intention of goodness. 
  6. For a couple more breaths, really take in this wish for your happiness and joy from this person who cares for you.
  7. Now letting go of the image of this person, relax into these sensations and feelings for just a couple breaths.
  8. With this feeling of support and happiness, bring to mind someone who could really use some extra love.
  9. Now repeat to yourself, “May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you live with ease.”
  10. As you inhale, draw in this intention. And as you exhale, send it out.
  11. Twice more—inhale, drawing in this intention. And then exhale, sending out.
  12. Release the image of this person. And just notice the sensations in your own body.
  13. Today’s Host: Dacher Keltner 

    Science of Happiness episodes like this one:

    • 24 Hours of Kindness:
    • Being Kind Is Good for Your Health:
    • How to Love People You Don’t Like:
    • Happiness Break related episodes:

      • Wrap Yourself in Kindness, With Jack Kornfield:
      • How to Be Your Own Best Friend, with Kristin Neff:
      • Wishing Others Well, With Anushka Fernandopulle:
      • This episode was supported by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation on "Spreading Love Through the Media".

        Tell us about your experiences practicing loving-kindness meditation! 

        Direct message us or leave a comment on Instagram @scienceofhappinesspod. You can also e-mail us at [email protected] or use the hashtag #happinesspod.

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