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In this milestone episode (number 100!!!), Matt & Jenn discuss how to maintain a vibrant and growing sex life even into old age. We're sharing opinions, perspectives, and advice from some older couples whom we respect, admire, and love.
- You should absolutely expect that you can have a vibrant and growing sexual relationship for as long as you are alive and married.
- When we dismiss our own, or our spouse’s, sexuality due to age, or chronic health struggles, we are robbing our relationship of something that inherently defines marriage as God designed it.
- Certainly we will all face the challenges of aging. But with preparation and intentionality, your marriage and sex life can continue to grow for as long as you're married.
Join us at the 2022 Annual Marriage Retreat, September 22-24, in Houston, TX. Registration is now open, but space is limited and we expect to sell out again. So, register today!
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Matt & Jenn
PS — If you have been blessed by the message of this podcast, we would deeply appreciate your support by donating to our mission of spreading God’s plan for intimate marriage and holy sexuality:
Intimate Covenant | Matt & Jenn Schmidt
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