Each month over 550,000 people google the topic “How to lose weight’! ...each month!
And every year, “I want to lose weight’ and “I want to exercise more" are the 2 top New Year’s Resolutions.
So why, with all the information that exists on the internet – is losing weight and staying fit, such a huge challenge for so many people?
After 40 years experience working in this field. I can tell you – the answer does not lie in food or exercise!
The answer is what you believe about your body.
On this week’s Stronger Leaner Lighter Show shared...
1. Why you will never lose weight UNTIL you change this belief about it!
2. How what we were told as children, still impacts on us.
3. Why the buck HAS to stop with you… and why actions speak louder than words!
4. How sugar substitutes and ‘low fat’ foods play havoc with your brain and lead to weight gain.
Ready to change change the way you think about your body?
Join the 5 Day Love you, Love your Body Tapping Challenge.. we start Monday!!! https://sally.groovepages.com/loveyou