Scrap everything you've been taught about parenting. This is a totally fresh approach. The adolescent and teen years are SO difficult. Any way to make this easier? How do you decode what's happening with your child and how to process it. I am so proud to bring this important episode to you with parent and teen coach, Cindy Robinson.
Topics covered:
Current climate post-pandemicBrain physiology of adolescents/teensParent/adolescent dynamic is designed to fail in our culture#1 way to handle a tumultuous relationshipCounter-intuitive messagingObstacles between parent and the child's growthWhat to do with mistakes?AcademicsSafe place to fall and boundariesWhich battles to pickControlling vs teaching life lessonsThere's no more "B" studentsMORE effective communicationAnger and strugglesHow to detect real troubleDifferent parenting stylesTeens, screens, and you
IN-PERSON EVENT on 2/18! Calm in the Chaos
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Instagram - Steps to heal yourself, move society forward, and slinging memes and dancing (seriously, Allison is also a dance fitness instructor)
Blog - quick, way more personal, deeper topics - make sure to subscribe
TikTok - documenting my journey one lo-fi video at a time
Reb3l Dance Fitness - Try it at home! Free month with code: ahare under Instructor Referral
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