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💭 Asking someone you live with “what is the worst anxiety attack that I’ve had” and their answer is “where do I start” can be quite a wake up call!
🏼 There are so many elements that feed into our Health Anxiety! In this episode we talk how going on holiday, body dysmorphia, social media and even a call to the GP can feed into the daily struggle. We speak about how as a coping mechanism we are pushed into the OCD cycle of checking our body for lumps, and excessive googling.
💜 However!! There is hope! We both have different stories and we have different ways that we cope with this daily cycle of anxiety and fear.
🎙Tune in and find out our coping strategies which include: daily meditation, researching books, podcasts and apps that can help us through the worst of the worst anxiety attacks.
Mentions :
PT : Chloe - Fergus Fit, East Kilbride.
Link :
Sharon Tait - Stait Of Mind Hypnotherapy.
Link :
Book ‘Don’t Feed The Monkey Mind’
Link :