Notice something a little different with the Carpool today? That's right, the new cover art is here and, we won't lie, it's pretty great! From a picture taken in a basement with no makeup, to this professionally shot photo, Kelly and Lizz sure are moving on up. It's the first part of a big week for the Car Mom with a ton of content to be created thanks to friends who are creating little ones of their own.
There are a lot of things in the works at the Car Mom and the biggest one might be from Kelly herself. She's been experimenting with something for the last five weeks and she's finally ready to tell the world about it. What could it be? She has changed the order of how she gets ready in the morning and she's sharing what she has learned to help us all get our routines right.
Lizz is on a journey of her own inside The Loft. She spent a good amount of money the other day there attempting to freshen up her wardrobe. However, was there a day she looked down on shopping at The Loft? Or is that just Kelly misremembering her own self-loathing?
The biggest journey lately for Lizz has been, of course, her pumping journey. Last week she got emotional talking about the amazing support she received and this week she is sharing a big update. Thanks to @onewiththepump she has discovered she had been doing it all wrong and things are looking up! She learned two very important lessons from this journey that we can all take into every aspect of our lives. 1) Be careful who you take your advice from. 2) You can say "I could never" but you only quit when quitting is an option.
Then, Kelly and Lizz are bringing you their Model Lineup of the most satisfying feelings. Is there anything better than the feeling of going to bed with clean sheets? How about the feeling when all the kids are asleep for the night? It's time to debate the most satisfying feelings!
In Industry News a warning on the toll road scam everyone is getting. How many texts have you received this week? Plus, the ladies talk about late-term buyer's remorse and what really might be going on. Could all you need is a car wash?
Finally, Kelly is continuing to cook gluten and dairy free items for her family and got the best suggestion - keep it super simple or KISS. But Kelly and Lizz may have just taken it up a notch with KISS A**.
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