Fear often feels like it's IN us. But it doesn't have to be.
On this inaugural episode of the Tilt and Shift Photography Business podcast, I share a HUGE shift for me in my photography business about inborn fears and questionable advice regarding my chosen path, that helped reset my route to become the multi award-winning photographer and coach you're hearing today.
And I'm going to guess fear is something you've struggled with, too... whether you know it or not :)
Grab your journal or notebook and get ready to ask yourself some very big questions about you, your photography business and your life. We'll talk about how to get comfortable with discomfort, how to expand your comfort zone and why we need to do that as photographers, creatives and business people.
Want to make INCREDIBLE CANDID PHOTOS that elevate your portfolio and ATTRACT HIGHER PAYING CLIENTS? Watch this tutorial I made for you!
If you loved today's episode, please share your experience, from the tiniest tilt to the biggest shift, by screenshotting this episode and tagging the show on instagram! @tiltandshiftpodcast
For a 15% discount on all coaching offerings, go to bobbibeducation.com
Watch the podcast on YouTube: @barbarichphoto
To learn about and support Girl in the Wild, go to girlinthewild.ca
Learn more about coaching and mentoring at bobbibeducation.com
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