How to Love Your Body: The Official UNdiet Online Podcast

Ep 081 - Your Questions Answered: Intuitive Eating and Body Acceptance

11.19.2019 - By The Body Love SocietyPlay

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Welcome to How to love Your Body. this week on the podcast we are going to be answering the questions YOU asked in our facebook group and on instagram.

But before we get into those - this episode is brought to you by this week’s masterclasses! Today and Thursday we are hosting 2 more live masterclasses. 

Even if you signed up for last week’s but couldn’t make it on live definitely grab a spot for this week too. You can join us live, ask questions and get coaching on the spot! You can grab your spot at

How long did it take Lauren and Jenna to practice intuitive eating before you settled into your body’s natural weight range?

It truly is irrelevant.

This work is tricky - it’s a bit of a catch 22, if you focus on finding your weight set point, you will not be able to be intuitive in the way needed to find your weight set point. 

The shift from weight loss needs to happen - even the shift from focusing on weight at all. 

What to do instead?

Get into the present moment. Take care of your body TODAY in whatever ways that means for you.

Do that everyday for the next 10 years. There you are - living a sustainable life of wellness without the obsession. It will be so fulfilling and rewarding that you won’t be sitting around anymore wondering, yeah but when will I reach my set point….

This is a very boiled down version of what this work is really about and what it takes to live that way but that’s the jist of it. And if you want to learn more about it - be sure to grab your spot in our masterclass.

You’ll get there but you honestly won’t really care anymore. 

Diet soda. Does it mess with your hunger signals? If you actually like it, is it okay to drink? Or is that diet culture? Or would quitting drinking it be restricting?

Oh diet soda, I LOVE diet soda. I’m not sure if its because Im more used to the taste because of years of avoiding sugar but at this point I dont really care, its the type of soda I enjoy, so I enjoy it. 

What I have found is I naturally drink it less because im not using it to satisfy a sweet craving, thats what real food is for in my eyes but I enjoy it now and then with certain meals. I also find the mini cans work for me most of the time, but of course however much you enjoy having is just fine!

If you truly enjoy it, no its not diet culture. 

Its truly NOT about the food, its about your relationship with it. 

If you love some old recipes you used to have all the time on WW and you still eat them, that doesnt mean you’re dieting again - its all about mindset and intention.

Only YOU can know if youre fooling yourself or if its genuinely something you enjoy.


Body love and online dating - so much of it can be really shallow and appearance based. How do you hold true to I am not my weight/ how I look when you feel you’re constantly being judged by your appearance alone?

We get it! We both met our husbands on dating apps. 

But really isn’t normal dating the same thing? You see someone you like the look of, go up to them, ask to buy them a drink, if you enjoy talking to them , maybe you exchange numbers.

There will always be judgement around looks but people will ALWAYS judge you based on your looks when they first meet you (its the first information they get about you), NO MATTER WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE!!

Making judgements is so human, it will always happen. So instead of morphing into what you think people want to see, being able to show up as YOU and see if you like THEM is a much more powerful stance in life.

Also - do you want a partner that only wants to date you if you look a certain way? What if you meet them when you’re in the thick of a diet, have temporarily lost some weight, then 5 years into your relationship you look different and they were only into you on a superficial level and so it ends?

This isnt the relationship I would want thats for sure.

So I know - it seems like looking a certain way will find you a mate, but it wont be the right one, I promise you that. Allow y

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