Hey lady! This year is your year to take your pleasure to new heights. This is the year you take what makes you feel good and let it inform all the ways it makes your life beautiful and delicious. But, before you bloom like the beautiful rose you are, we need to get down to the root of what may be keeping you from experiencing the pleasure you so richly deserve. Remember, flowers bloom best in good soil.
Dr. Janet Williams is a licensed physician and surgeon practicing in Los Angeles, where she is a board certified specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Janet, as her patients affectionately call her, is also the author of Why Don't I Like Sex Anymore?: The Grown Woman’s Guide to Getting Your Groove Back and Claiming Your Truth and the owner of Good Groove Coach, an bespoke intimacy coaching service that includes one-on-one coaching, hypnotherapy and access to Dr. Janet’s Confident Pleasure Program.
She joins Dr. Dom and Terri to discuss the myriad factors that can impact Black women’s access to healthy, thrilling, memorable sexual encounters. These factors go deeper than lingerie or even body issues. Black women face an inordinate amount of pressures that come from socio-economic, class, and race. Those pressures cause stress and stress can often lead to illness. We know the statistics when it comes to heart disease and blood pressure with Black women but we don’t talk about the emotional and mental tolls that they take on Black women. Couple that with changing hormones, and shifting cycles that eventually lead to perimenopause and menopause and you have a recipe for intimacy confusion.
That’s why Dr. Janet is on a mission to arm women with the information they need to really get their groove back. As we head into challenging political times we’re going to need each other and our joy more than ever! Find your community and find your way to your best orgasm in this week’s episode.
Lady, holler at us on Patreon and let us know how you plan on getting your groove back in 2025!
Quote of the Day:
"My body and an inner knowing have always told me sex could be great, but for some reason, almost everything and everyone else has told me otherwise."
– Dr. Janet Williams
Goal Map Like a Pro Workbook
Cultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary
Where to find Dr. Janet Williams:
Website: Good Groove Coach
Book: Why Don't I Like Sex Anymore?: The Grown Woman’s Guide to Getting Your Groove Back and Claiming Your Truth
Instagram: @goodgrooveco
Facebook: Good Groove Company
Altadena Seventh Day Adventist Church
Dr. Dom’s Therapy Practice
Branding with Terri
Melanin and Mental Health
Therapy for Black Girls
Psychology Today
Therapy for QPOC
Where to find us:
Twitter: @HERspacepodcast
Instagram: @herspacepodcast
Facebook: @herspacepodcast
Website: cultivatingherspace.com
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/cultivating-h-e-r-space-uplifting-conversations-for-the-black-woman--5470036/support.