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 主播:Flora(中国)+ 梅莉(法国)

 音乐:Hiding In The Blue


01. How did it suddenly get so popular? 


During the Spring Festival, it’s literally everywhere. People are calling it the next big thing in AI. Flora wasn’t really paying attention at first, but once it went viral, she had to download it and give it a try.

She thinks it’s super easy to use, and the answers are really spot-on (准确). DeepSeek刚推出没多久就成了苹果商店最热门的免费应用,单日下载量甚至超过了ChatGPT(It overtook ChatGPT in downloads)!That’s huge! OpenAI has been leading (引领) the AI industry for a while now.

So DeepSeek has excited the Chinese tech industry and caught the attention of users worldwide. 

02. What makes it different from other AIs?


Is it just another chatbot? That’s the key question! 要说和其他AI的不同点的话,其实它最大的优势是计算效率高—it runs on lower costs than OpenAI’s models, yet delivers comparable performance (但是性能不相上下). 换句话说,它的“性价比”非常高。Cheaper to develop, yet just as powerful. That’s a game-changer.

Another major strength is its deep understanding of Chinese. Even though many Western AIs support multiple languages (多种语言), they often struggle with cultural nuances (难以掌握文化细微差别). 很多ChatGPT的中国用户反映它对中文的理解还有欠缺;

DeepSeek, on the other hand, is particularly good at processing Chinese language and context (处理中文语言和语境).

Western AIs, while multilingual, often miss cultural references (忽略文化背景). Probably we should test how well it understands slang.

03. What’s it like to use DeepSeek? 


Flora在春节期间也体验了一下DeepSeek。What stood out to her most is that before giving you an answer, it actually takes the time to analyze the question first (它会先分析问题). It doesn’t just throw out a result—it walks you through its thought process (引导你了解它的思考过程).

So instead of just giving an answer, it actually explains how it got there.

04. Fun interactions with DeepSeek



That’s a very practical question! Who doesn’t want a salary boost (加薪)? 大家都想知道AI能不能帮自己多赚点钱。


That is a classic AI response! Not making any promises, but subtly nudging (巧妙推动) you to be more productive.


从这个回答也能看出来,DeepSeek 其实很擅长提供一些practical advice(实用的建议)。


That’s a deep one. You may wonder how DeepSeek tackled this big existential question (存在主义问题).


That’s surprisingly poetic (诗意). And kind of comforting (治愈), actually. Flora thought it would give some super rational data analysis (理性分析). 没想到它的回答这么哲学,甚至有点文学的感觉。

DeepSeek好像给人的感觉不只是个AI,因为它有点像那种会在深夜和你聊人生的朋友。And sometimes, it really offers a fresh perspective (新视角), making us think about things in a different way.

05. What should we do in the age of AI?


DeepSeek is just one example, but it really shows how fast AI is evolving. AI 时代已经到来了,这已经是不可逆转的趋势。随着越来越多的大规模语言模型被开发,这个行业会发展得越来越快。

And it’s not just about one country or one company—this is a global movement. Different AI models are being developed around the world, and they all bring something unique to the table (他们都带来了独特的东西).

Our options are only going to grow (我们的选择只会越来越多). But the most important thing is, as users, we need to learn how to use AI effectively—sooner rather than later (尽早学会如何有效地使用人工智能). 而且是让它成为我们的助手,而不是被它带着走。

Mastering AI tools early on is going to be a big advantage (尽早掌握人工智能工具将是一个很大的优势). It’s like when the internet first became mainstream (主流)—those who adapted quickly gained so many opportunities.

所以我们要做的不是害怕AI,而是学会驾驭它,利用它来提升自己的工作和生活效率。AI is a tool, and how we use it is what really matters.

那么大家有没有用过DeepSeek呢?Please leave a comment and let us know your thoughts!

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