Weight Loss Made Real: How real women lose weight, stop overeating, and find authentic happiness.

Episode 270: A Conversation About Binge Eating And General Overeating With Kathryn Hansen

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Do you know the difference between binge eating and general overeating? Today Kathryn Hansen and I are going to break down the differences between these two eating struggles. Because your first step in solving your challenge is knowing the truth about what you are doing. And then finding the right solution. Let’s do this!

Welcome to your coaching session today, and it’s a special one.

Today I have a real treat for you, a conversation with an expert who I’m pretty sure you know. She is Kathryn Hansen, author of the breakthrough book: Brain Over Binge.

Kathryn Hansen recovered from bulimia in 2005; and since then, she has been dedicated to educating and empowering women and men who struggle with all forms of binge eating. She is the author of two books: Brain over Binge (published in 2011, and a new updated second edition, just released this year, in 2022) and the Brain over Binge Recovery Guide (2016). Additionally, Kathryn is the host of the Brain over Binge Podcast and a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She has made major contributions to the field of binge eating and its treatment and has helped thousands overcome this disorder.

I am honored to call her my friend and colleague and have her here for you today.

So get comfy and get ready to join our conversation.

We are going to help you define binge eating and garden-variety overeating. So you understand which one you struggle with. And so you can focus on the right solution for you.

We also talk about one of the most common areas of confusion around both of these eating habits. And that is when you think that you truly want to binge or overeat. It feels like it makes sense in the moment, and that makes it near impossible to stop. Let’s solve this once and for all.

Get my free training: 3 Steps to Stop Overeating

Visit Brain Over Binge website 

Find Kathryn's Books here




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Weight Loss Made Real: How real women lose weight, stop overeating, and find authentic happiness.By Cookie Rosenblum, M.A., Master Weight Loss Coach, Author, And Life Coach School Master Instructor

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