Weight Loss Made Real: How real women lose weight, stop overeating, and find authentic happiness.

Episode 274: Are You Remembering the Pain of Overeating?

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Think about the last time you slipped and went off your eating plan. We’re not about diets here, but we are talking about making a plan for yourself and then keeping your promise to yourself. Your goal is to honor your plan.

And when you don’t keep your promise to yourself, that is considered a slip.

So, what happens when you slip? Essentially you are enjoying the moment, and conveniently putting your goals in the way back part of your mind.

And, you are conveniently forgetting how bad you felt on the last overeating episode.

Now remember in Episode 171, How to Hold Yourself Accountable, we talked about making sure you didn’t move on from a slip without learning from it. No self-beating, but definitely learning from what you did.

What we’re talking about here today is why it’s important to keep the memory of the pain you felt when you slipped… in the front of your mind.

Do I want you to feel bad? Of course not. But sometimes we need to remember our pain, so we learn from it. So we know what we don’t want again. And we use it to help ourselves keep our promises.

So, before you let the pain of your latest overeating episode slip into the back of your memory, write it down. Let’s remember while it’s fresh. I want you to be sure to have some ammunition the next time you think: “Oh, what’s the big deal? I can always start again tomorrow.”

We are focusing on the pain. So that you can stop creating the pain. Go back and listen to Episode 171 so you can put all this together. Hold yourself accountable. Get clear on the pain you’re creating when you allow your brain to talk you into a slip. And let’s prevent it from happening again.




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Weight Loss Made Real: How real women lose weight, stop overeating, and find authentic happiness.By Cookie Rosenblum, M.A., Master Weight Loss Coach, Author, And Life Coach School Master Instructor

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