When you use this track and regular one to one hypnosis sessions you will get the results you want. please listen to this track before sleep, to boost your weight loss journey.
Take and Keep control
'Everybody is unique and there are so many different reasons why someone might hold onto unwanted body weight. Carrying extra weight in itself is not negative, what is negative is when people find themselves eating without a sense of personal control and feel as if they are losing a battle to unconsciously programmed lines of their thinking.
'During a hypnosis session we explore the reasons why that individual might be sabotaging or punishing themselves by eating food they know isn’t good for them. In many cases, women I work with are afraid of being too visible, or seen, because something in their past has led them to believe that visibility is dangerous – and that by being heavier they are less likely to draw attention to themselves. In other cases they feel undeserving of better.
'It can be an emotional emptiness inside of them that drives them to eat until they experience a sense of "fullness".
'Once someone has been made aware of why they are doing what they are doing they can start to develop a deeper awareness about what they need to be doing instead.' SJM
SarahJane Marshall, like lots of other hypnotherapists, makes her clients a personalised hypnotic meditation which they listen to in between sessions. 'This works behind-the-scenes to help them become more aware of the choices they are making, and start to find themselves more drawn towards better habits,' Sarah explains.