What do real musicians think of AI-Generated music?
In this 4-part bonus series, you’ll hear rapid fire interviews with musicians who are using cutting-edge podcasting 2.0 tech to reinvent the music industry.
This is all leading up to the first-ever “Sats By SW” Independent Music Summit and our live music performance at Antone’s hosted by the inventor of modern podcasting and legendary MTV VJ, Adam Curry.
We’re here today with
Johnny Elrod, fellow Texan, musician, and drummer for FM Rodeo. In this episode, you’ll hear:
- What real musicians think about AI-Generated music
- How to approach learning a musical instrument in an age of distraction
- Why having your own music library is better than Spotify
- Why labor-intensive hobbies that don’t have a financial pay off are worth it
- And more…
Hang on until the end of this interview to hear a track from FM Rodeo, “Rit Jons.”
And if you’d like to drop some “sats” in the tip jar for today’s episode, your contributions will automatically be split 50/50 with FM Rodeo. So, to leave a little tip, all you have to do is:
- Download the Fountain app.
- Add a few bucks to your lightning wallet.
- Find this episode, click the lightning icon, and send us a Boost with an optional message.
If you’d like to hear FM Rodeo LIVE, we’ll be sharing the stage this Monday, 12/16 at Antone’s in Austin, TX.
>> Get your tickets ($10): AntonesNightclub.com
>> Or join the Livestream on Tunestr or Adam Curry’s Boostagram Ball podcast (
Show starts at 6pm Central / 7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific on Monday, December 16, 2024)
Go to FMRodeoTX.com for upcoming shows, lyrics, merch and more from FM Rodeo
Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/johnny-elrod-what-real-musicians-think-of-ai-generated-music/