There seems to be a persistent theory that an excess of calories is required to gain muscle. This however has not been shown to be the case.
Most examples of 'bulking' are confounded by anabolic steroid use, genetic outliers, or being at a young enough age where your body is naturally gaining muscle.
Most people who are beyond their late teens or early 20's cannot force their body to gain a significant amount of muscle buy combining intense weight training with excess calories. The result will be excessive fat gain with minimal lean muscle mass gain.
Many guys seem to think this is possible beyond their late teens, or early 20s, however their examples they can point to are usually outliers such as pro athletes or people on excessive amounts of anabolic steroids.
The reality is there is a limited amount of muscle any individual can gain in their lifetime. This is determined by training status, age, genetic predisposition, and drug use (or lack thereof).
Most of us are of average capacity to gain muscle, and we're not likely to ever look like a pro athlete and certainly not a pro bodybuilder.