If you need to set and raise your cash-pay rates with confidence—while keeping your patients satisfied and avoiding pushback or “No’s” —this week’s podcast is a must-listen.
Pricing your services right is one of the biggest challenges for cash-based practice owners—yet it’s also key to long-term success. Many practitioners struggle with asking for three figures out of pocket, even when they know their services are worth it. If this resonates with you, you’re not alone.
In this episode, we dive into the psychology of pricing, strategies to confidently set and raise your rates, and the key steps to minimize pushback while maximizing profitability. Plus, scroll down to grab the free “Superbill Template” resource to help your patients maximize their insurance reimbursements, making your services even more accessible, and increasing your customer lifetime value…
Check out our course: How to answer, “Do you take my insurance?”