As a foster mama, you carry a weight that few truly understand—the sleepless nights worrying about your child’s emotional well-being, the endless advocacy to ensure they get the right support, and the deep emotional investment in their healing. You’re juggling doctor’s appointments, IEP meetings, sibling visits, birth parent relationships, and behaviors that other parents don’t have to navigate.
And through it all, you’re expected to keep going.
But have you ever stopped to think about what it costs you to stay in this cycle of exhaustion?
Most of us don’t. We push through, telling ourselves that our kids need us. That we’ll take a break later. That we don’t have time for self-care. That we just need to be stronger.
But burnout isn’t just a bad day or a rough week. It’s a long-term depletion—and it has real consequences for your health, your family, and your ability to show up as the mom you want to be.
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