Are you considering traditional therapy, coaching, or alternative therapy for help with your relationship? Are you curious about what some of the differences are? Have you tried traditional therapy and found the results somewhat slow? In this episode of The Love Lab Podcast, Kevin Anthony speaks with therapist Kendra Capalbow about her training in traditional therapy, the pros and cons she has learned from her own experience, how she now works with couples, and what spending 15 years as a therapist in a maximum security prison has taught her about therapy.
To Find Out More About Kendra, Click The Links Below:
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💪 MEN'S SEXUAL MASTERY COACHINGLearn how to become a sexual master today and rock her world like no other man ever has! →
💪 MEN'S RELATIONSHIP & SEX COACHINGBecome the man she has always dreamed about and craves, and the man you have always wanted to be. Learn how to master your relationship and your sexuality →
🌹 WOMEN'S RELATIONSHIP & SEX COACHINGLearn how to become the radiant, feminine woman he desires and will commit to as well as how to have the relationship of your dreams and the best sex of your life. →
👩❤️👨 COUPLES RELATIONSHIP & SEX COACHINGLearn how to finally have the loving, successful, and hot relationship you have always wanted. →
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