One of the GREATEST lies mothers have been told is that motherhood and creativity do not mix. That once you are raising small humans, the time for your own wild expression is past.
If you spend time on creative pursuits as a mother, you're selfish. Just do it in your "spare time" once a month/once the kids are all potty trained/in school/graduated from high school.
Or if you spend time on creativity as a mother, it better make you millions of dollars and impact millions of people, or it's not worth it.
Forget the part where you created every eyelash, rib cage, nervous system, and brain cell for each of your children, with your body, without conscious thought.
When you wait and put your creative pursuits on pause in the name of being there for your kids, you divorce yourself from parts of yourself. Your kids don’t get to see the whole you, and at worst you become a shriveled up shell of who you’re meant to be, feeling like you’ve “lost yourself.”
It’s time to stop over giving and over functioning, because it doesn’t *actually* help our kids; I don’t want my kids to learn that it’s “normal” for moms to over extend to the point of burnout. I’m DONE with the do-it-all-and-don’t-let-them-see-you-sweat supermom archetype. I’m also not gonna be the “hot mess express” mom in the name of relatability.
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