希臘料理基本上就是基於地中海飲食, 而地中海飲食算是全世界最健康的飲食之一。 原因就在於地中海飲食使用大量的橄欖油、蔬菜、 香料、穀類、美酒以及各種肉類,而希臘最浪漫的島嶼— 聖托里尼美食也不例外。這集將會簡單告訴大家我們在這座美妙的島嶼上到底吃了什麼,希望不會讓另一頭的你感到肚餓!
想了解更多關於聖托里尼上的希臘美食嗎? 歡迎連結 →https://www.travelwithwinny.com/zh/希臘-santorini-聖托里尼美食/
Greek cuisine is essentially Mediterranean cuisine which is known to be one of the healthiest diets in the world! Food in Santorini is no different. They are in abundance of olive oil, herbs, lemon juice, vegetables, fish, wines and various meats. In this episode, we will briefly introduce Santorini and its food to you.
What to know more about the Greek Food in Santorini? Link here→ https://www.travelwithwinny.com/recommendation-food-in-santorini/
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