Jayson Miller Master Sergeant Retired US Army(退伍美军军官长) 是Miller‘s Military Moments的Podcast播主,他的Podcast分享他在美军二十多年在阿富汗和伊拉克作战的经验、感悟和故事!
1.Where are you originally from? 你从哪里来?
2.How long have you been in Florida? 你在佛罗里达州多久了?
3.Do you speak Mandarin? 你会说中文吗?
4.While you were in Iraq and Afghanistan, did you pick up the local language? 你在伊拉克和阿富汗的时候,有学到当地的语言吗?
5.Why did you go to the US Army? Did you go there to get away from the routine or just for responsibility? 你为什么会从军? 是因为要逃离日常生活还是因为责任呢?
6.What did you do in the US Army? 你在美军里从事什么工作?
7.Do you like food in the US Army? 你喜欢美军里的食物吗?
8.What did you like about life in Iraq? 你喜欢伊拉克哪些东西?
9.Where have you been in Afghanistan?你去过阿富汗哪些地方?
10.Are you interested in learning a foreign language? 你有兴趣和学新的语言吗?
What is your favorite memory in Iraq? 在伊拉克最喜欢的记忆是?
What is the hardest moment at war? 在战争中最辛苦的记忆是什么?
How is he doing with retirement life? 退休生活还适应吗?
What is it like to fly a helicopter? 飞直升机是什么样的感觉?
What is his favorite war movie? 最喜欢的战争片是什么?
立即订阅收听他的PODCAST, Miller‘s Military Moments
Spotify https://reurl.cc/KA4XAy
Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/En4XZR
关于Jayson Miller 的其他连结
7.5 Lily 开放招生旅游英语训练营和和外国人用英语交友的英语直播课堂,FB的粉丝请私信谘询报名!
在我的学英语环游世界Apple Podcast https://reurl.cc/a9NX2Z 五星评价,在IG 贴文/动态 @flywithlily,7.1 前可获得手写明信片一张!