

03.03.2024 - By 英语主播EmilyPlay

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A: Bob refused all his classmates' invitation. 鲍勃拒绝了班上所有人的邀请。

B: I really could not understand him. 我真的不明白他这个人。

A: He's surely a hard nut. Nobody likes approaching him. 他真是个脑子不开窍的人,没人愿意接近他。

B: We'd better also leave him alone.我们最好也别惹他。

01hard nut


He's a hard nut; he won't back down easily.


hard nut to crack难对付的人;棘手的事

This math problem is a hard nut to crack.


He is a hard nut to crack, but we managed to negotiate a deal with him.他是个难缠的人,但我们设法与他谈判达成一致。

My manager is a hard nut to crack. He always shouts at me about what I have done.


The old computer is a hard nut to crack, it keeps crashing, and we can't figure out the problem.这台旧电脑是个难题,总是死机,并且我们无法找到问题所在。

The problem of hunger worldwide is a hard nut to crack. I'm afraid that scientists need to put in more efforts.



The train approached the station.火车靠近车站。

The airplane approached the runway, preparing for landing.飞机靠近跑道,准备降落。

As I approached the park, I could hear the laughter of children playing.当我走近公园时,我能听到孩子们玩耍的笑声。

03leave sb alone


Can you leave your brother alone? He's trying to study.你能让你的弟弟单独待会吗?他正在学习。

I need some time to think, so please leave me alone.我需要一些时间来思考,所以请让我单独待会。

He's in bad mood, so it's best to leave him alone.他心情不好,最好别打扰他。

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