The technicals of marketing are important, but I've always hired smarter people than me to figure that stuff out. Do you know what those people are often missing though? Creativity. Creativity is what makes marketing more effective.
It requires a marriage of a creative to understand their target market, what makes them tick, and how to get them to engage, with a technical expert that can incorporate the content and adjust based on the data.
People try to pretend that marketing is ALL ABOUT THE DATA and that all marketing decisions are based on data and numbers and research. Complete bullshit. The most successful campaigns in the world started from a great idea. Data came later.
Creativity Sells is not just a presentation at ScaleCon24, it's one of our 5 core values at MSP Camp. I believe it in my soul and it's helped me scale multiple businesses FAST. If your marketing is lacking, it's probably not because you're not technical enough. It's likely lacking the creativity to grab and hold someone's attention!
Wanna see some creative shit? Try out a free trial at