I am honored to host LuAnn Nigara today to talk all about leadership in our industry, the struggles and the underlying reasons why stepping into leadership is so critical for the health and profitability of our business.
LuAnn Nigara is a celebrated media personality, keynote speaker and seasoned entrepreneur. Recognized as the “go-to” keynote speaker for leaders and entrepreneurs to launch their life and get out of their own way, she always delivers a dynamic presentation. In her third business launch, LuAnn Nigara Inc., she provides business resources for entrepreneurs through live events and LuAnn University. LuAnn has published three books, is a sought-after columnist and has captured international attention for her weekly podcasts "Window Treatments for Profit" and “A Well-Designed Business®” which has more than 1000 episodes and 9 million downloads.
Luann’s experience and wealth of knowledge as a window treatment professional, working with designers day in and day out she knows our strengths, our weaknesses and our biggest struggles.
She always brings the wisdom, the tough love, and the straight talk that we need to hear! Leadership isn’t just about managing projects. It’s about owning your role, setting the tone, and building a business that truly thrives.
Download LuAnn's free quiz here: https://luannnigara.com/quiz/
You can find out more about LuAnn here:
https://www.instagram.com/luannnigara, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgRScT16XD_jq_NqsPPawDA, https://www.facebook.com/groups/luannnigaraandfriends/
Find the full shownotes at: https://devignierdesign.com/luann-nigara