Sara is one of the most impactful advocates for pelvic health we have. As The Vagina Whisperer she has an audience of over 600,000 people. She's done a TED talk, she's been a PelviCon speaker, and now she is going to be a published author!
We discuss how to communicate with patients in their own language, shifting our mindset to helping patients through their entire lifespan and what we can learn from the dental model - yes, dentists - of providing care.
Sara's new book Floored is available for pre-order now. Learn about the process of writing a book and how Sarah sold her practice to her employees to give herself more time for what she is passionate about, advocating for pelvic health for all.
Can't wait for you to hear it - a fun conversations with twists, turns, rants and tangents!
Dr. Sara Reardon
Sara is a clinician, educator, pelvic health advocate and now a published author! Her book Floored: A Woman's Guide to Pelvic Floor Health at Every Age and Stage is available for pre-order now ( - order it to help increase reach and get into more stores! You can always follow Sara @the.vagina.whisperer on IG for all her info and updates!
Business Accelerator Program - Closes riday!
Registration for the January Cohort of the Accelerator Program closes on Friday (12/20)!! If you're a business owner looking to take things to the next level in 2025, make sure to check it out and get on the wait list here:
See how business owners increased their revenue, boosted their confidence and reduced the overwhelm of building a business!
About Us
Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy ( together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.
Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses ( to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 600+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs ( to build a practice that works for them!
Get in Touch!
Learn more at, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt ( or reach out via email ([email protected]).
Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!