Hiring on a unicorn, or building a whole team of them, isn’t about narrowing in on uber-unique people who possess the “just right” combination of skills to help you succeed in your spa business. Actually, building a Unicorn Team is about getting ultra clear on your brand and the values that drive it.
From there, you’re able to navigate, motivate, and communicate as the Unicorn Leader you are, and thus, rally and lead other Unicorns who want to build your brand with you, too. Here to walk us through the foundation of that innovative process is Jen Kem, the author of the new book, "Unicorn Team: How to Rally the Right People Around the Next Big Winning Idea that Changes the World.”
Named Forbes' top brand strategist, Jen’s company, Master Brand Media, represents influencers, celebrities, CEOs, experts, specialists, authors and speakers to get seen, heard and paid more through brand management, team optimization and corporate brand collaborations. With a focus on the four essential areas for brand success called Brand T.I.M.E. - Team, Identity, Messaging and Experiences - Jen and her team of Strategizers and Mobilizers have advised over 400,000 leaders to grow their brand, expand their businesses and lead teams who "get" their mission and follow-through on their vision.
In her upcoming book, "Unicorn Team,” she outlines the frameworks for everyone to leverage the concept of Brand T.I.M.E. so that they can make the next level impact they know possible.
In this episode, we discuss:
Why your team is a critical piece of the entire brand experience you’re building (yes, solo aestheticians, this applies to you, too!)
Overcoming your team building objections and embracing your own unicorn role in boosting your confidence as a leader
Donkey vs. unicorn behavior and getting clear on what you’re looking for in your unicorn team members
Crafting a team and process that are linked to your values and brand, and support your path to sustainable scaling
To read the full show notes for this episode, visit: https://www.addoaesthetics.com/podcast/ep418 Keep the conversation going inside the Spa Marketing Made Easy Community by clicking here.