This is our second episode dedicated to helping you join in really stuck processes. In this specific episode, we talk about burnout pursuers.
Welcome to the Leading Edge in Emotionally Focused Therapy with Drs. James Hawkins, Ph.D., LPC, and Ryan Rana, Ph.D., LMFT, LPC, ICEEFT Therapists, Supervisors, and Trainers. Thank you for listening. We hope this experience helps you push the leading edge in your work to help people connect with themselves and each other.
You can financially contribute to this podcast on Venmo (@dochawklpc) or Cash App ($dochawklpc). Type LEFT or Leading Edge in EFT in the comments or notes section. All financial contributions are greatly appreciated and will help us keep producing content to help you push your leading edge.
We desire to use this podcast to help equip therapists with tools and encouragement to help them with relational distress. We are also part of a team that has created an online training program, Success in Vulnerability (SV). Success In Vulnerability is your premier online education experience that leads with innovative instruction to advance your therapeutic effectiveness through Success in Vulnerability’s exclusive Modules and full-length Clinical Examples.
The Leading Edge After Core Skills: Navigating Emotional Reactivity (November 10-11th, 2023)
Experienced EFT therapists are invited to join the Leading Edge in Emotionally Focused Therapy Podcast hosts for a weekend workshop. The objective is to help therapists sharpen their focus with a decision tree of interventions based on attunement to the emotional reactivity in the session.
Registration Link:
You can follow us on our Facebook page @pushtheleadingedge
You can follow Ryan on Facebook @ryanranaprofessionaltraining and his website
You can follow James on Facebook and Instagram @dochawklpc. You can also check out his website,
Check out our online training program, Success in Vulnerability (SV)
You can follow George @