To be honest with you, I could have sworn that I have done a podcast on this subject. When I was given the title...I actually went to my list of other podcasts I have done to search for this title. It wasn't is a very weird feeling to KNOW that you have done something and actually didn' least not YET. I am always talking about the energies that are effecting our lives and honestly, it is almost like the energy is on a dial...and that dial is getting turned up higher every single day. With this happening, we really have to be on alert...BE that observer that I mention often. You see, if we notice that we are getting upset about something, that is when it is time to go within to find out what emotion has come up to be released. This is really a full time job and only YOU can do this. Only YOU can know what is bothering you and what is triggering you. What has been coming to my awareness lately is noticing what is upsetting others and yet, not knowing how to explain to them that there is a reason they are upset. That is a difficult thing as I am a teacher and coach - at least that is what I call myself. I teach people how to heal their to raise their to raise their vibration. I am passionate about assisting others and yet, I find myself in a corner sometimes ...just watching others knowing that they are giving their energy away. That is what happens you know...when you are upset about any situation outside of are giving your energy away. We really need ALL our energy in this time of the frequency dial is being cranked up higher and higher, it would be much better for us to be grounded and have all the cords cut... which is taking back your energy. The topic of Loving What IS reminds me of a book that I read with the same title. It is a book by Byron Katie and is incredible. Everything that teaches us about our emotions is a great book and this book has quite a few things to teach us all. Byron Katie says that when you get upset about something, you ask yourself 4 questions: 1. Is it true? ~ this takes going within and it true? 2. Can you absolutely know that it's true? ~ if in your anger, your answer to the first question is now have the opportunity to ask again...go within and see what reveals itself to you. 3. How do you react, what happens, when you have that thought? ~ this is when you can really observe what is going on in your body. Witness your feelings & body sensations... what, if any...images do you see? What emotions comes up for you? How did you treat the other person? How did you treat yourself? 4. Who would you be without that thought? ~ this is my favourite question. It reminds me that I am NOT this human form. When you take away the human emotions and drop all the judgements you will notice that there is nothing by LOVE left....your true self...that is it. You tell me....isn't that 4 powerful questions? You can download The Work from Byron Katies website and ask these 4 questions for every situation you find yourself in. I have found myself not even having to ask the questions any more. Whatever is happening around me is just what IS. Getting upset doesn't serve me and it is a negative energy that is broadcasting from me when upset - doesn't serve the people around me either. This has taken me lots of shifting to practice it with ease...I highly recommend practicing accepting what IS in your life! No matter what happens around is what it IS. There is nothing you can do to change it, so accepting it and not allowing it to lower your vibration is key to LOVING WHAT IS. Perhaps you think that your spouse should be driving differently, or your boss should do the schedule more attention to what triggers you and go within to allow it to leave your body. Any trigger is just energy and if you were to BE the observer and watch for the energy to come to the surface... you will master clearing your body of all the energy that no longer serves you. It sounds like alot of work however, it really isn't. The clearing happens quickly ....basically as soon as you become aware of can clear it. In the grand scheme of things, none of this 3D stuff even matters. As soon as we can shake off the energy that is holding us back, we will rise higher and higher in vibration. I feel different every time I wake up. I go to bed and during my sleep....I am being worked on energetically. I have mentioned this before...we are being upgraded on a cellular manner while we are sleeping. I think that is pretty cool...although some people think it is creepy. Whatever your belief is only that...a belief. The important thing today is accepting what IS....and LOVING WHAT IS. Every single thing is happening for a reason... with the purpose of shifting our energy and shaking off what no longer serves us. Let's go into meditation with the intention to shifting to a higher frequency in this moment. Meditation Take a couple of very deep breaths. As you breathe, bring in white LIGHT to fill your body and space with a high vibration LIGHT. We are going to ask that the BEINGS OF LIGHT join us on a journey to the stars. We ask that they protect us on this journey and that we are gifted with an experience like no other. FEEL yourself floating higher and higher and notice that you are now floating in the cosmos. You notice the stars very close to you and there is so much colour all swirling around you. Bring your attention to a star or planet that resonates with may be Pleides, or the Great Central Sun...whatever it is...bring your attention to it. Allow a beam of LIGHT to come to your body from that star or planet...FEEL the energy that you receive from it as it super charges your body with incredible LIGHT. Ask that any charges you have left in your body be allowed to go... and that when you are going through your day to day life as a human, that you will experience LOVING WHAT IS. Ask if there is a message that you need to hear...and listen for it as you continue to breath and accept this LIGHT. I will speak in our Soul Language and send out LIGHT codes for this message to come through loud and clear for you to understand. Soul Language Know that you now have a connection to this star or planet and that the gift of the LIGHT sent to you will always be part of you. Trust that this LIGHT cleared your charges from your body. Take a couple of deep breaths and allow yourself to come back to your body. WOW...I have only worked with stars & planets a few times and being guided to connect this way was mind blowing for me. I am actually going to do this meditation myself so that I can experience what happens! I am super excited to see where I connect to. Just a reminder...I have a few meditations for sale on my website. They are short meditations combined with Soul Language to unlock your potential within your cells and DNA. Check out the description for that information or go to I am sending you all LOVE & LIGHT...Many blessings to you all. Power Meditations available for purchase: * Opening YOUR Heart ~ allowing the barriers down and opening our hearts is a very important thing to do. Not only will it completely transform your vibration, it will effect the people around you. * Third Eye Connection ~ where you experience a connection between your opened heart and your Third Eye. The Beings of Light are asked to clear anything blocking SEEING with our Third Eye open. * Internal Healing Power ~ using the power of visualization, you are guided to activate your own healing abilities * Energy Clearing ~ this meditation clears anything that doesn't serve you and connects you to the 'heavens' (stars & planets) & grounds you deep into Mother Earth. * Light Body ~ this meditation is about shining your LIGHT to the world. Removing any density, we invite your Higher Self/Soul to merge with your human form. We also activate your merkaba to spin around you. All of these meditations are each available for $9.99 or you can purchase them as a bundle - which is all 5 for $39.99. It is recommended that you listen to the meditations daily for at least 21 days to completely change your life. Available at: If you haven't already joined my mailing list and are interested in receiving a FREE ebook called "5 Keys to Clearing YOUR Biggest Blocks" - which has a Light Language transmission within it to heal your body go to: If you would like to experience a private Quantum Light Energy session which includes your own personal Light Language activation, - go to or email [email protected]