The coming election is important to Floridians in many ways. Including the future condition of the state and whether we stay a shining example for the rest of the country or decline like California has. Amendment 3, and whether it passes or not, will play a pivotal role in that future.
Unfortunately, what most voters know about it is what they see on yard signs or bumper stickers. When they go to vote, they’ll see a 1 paragraph description on the ballot that was written by the big corporations who will benefit from its passage (hiding what the bill will truly do).
This is another instance where what corporate greed is hidden and the truth of what this Amendment will do is much more dangerous and serious than is being presented. In this episode, our special guest, John Redman, will go over:
- Why Amendment 3 has the potential to change Florida for the worse with no going back.
- How an Amendment, once passed, is almost impossible to get rid of – different from a plain Proposition or law
- How Amendment 3 only benefits very wealthy corporate interests.
- How this is much worse than any legalization initiative passed in any other state – including California, Colorado, and Oregon.
- What effect legalization has had on insurance rates, hospitalizations of children under 5, and the tourist industry in states that passed legalization.
Resources for more info:
Vote No on 3 site
Don’t Let Florida Go to Pot site
Vote No on 3 Instagram
Nedd Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Phone: (727) 467-0775
1221 Cleveland St.
Clearwater, FL 33755