This is Ask Audrey, a digital marketing podcast from ion interactive. ion's Director of Customer Engagement, Audrey Ross, is a wealth of practical hands-on knowledge when it comes to building an interactive capability in your marketing organization.
We all know the underdog. You know, the one who no one really expects to win. But every now and then, the underdog comes out on top and stuns everyone. And to their surprise, the underdog is no longer so underrated, but now looked at in amazement and a new light in shed on them.
And this week, we’re here to shed a new light on the underdog of interactive experiences. Infographics, ebooks, interactive white papers, quizzes — we all know the top dogs and either have used or created them ourselves. But there’s one type of interactive content experience that we really feel is one of the most underrated and underutilized types for digital marketers.
In this episode of Ask Audrey, ion’s Director of Customer Engagement shows off the underdog, details why she thinks it really is one type to look at in a different light, and tells the story of a real-life example of it really working for one organization.