Welcome! and Thank you for listening.
I ran 33 miles out of 100 miles at the Long Haul 100 this past weekend and I am happy. Last year it would have been a major disappointment not finishing. This year I am grateful to have ran well and came away stronger than ever. I will share the nitty gritty details of the weekend in this episode.
There were plant based vegan people running but the majority were not including the aid stations. That is my problem and not theirs. So we happily bring our own food and supplies for great tent living for 48 hours. We had 3 coolers and a jet burner to warm up food. Most of the food was made at home such as pasta salad, tu-no salad, mushroom burgers, seitan-tofu loaf, potato soup, and tomato soup. We had a fruit bowl and fruit juice as well as simple running foods of sunbutter and jelly and various bars. Being plant based did not decrease our fun or enjoyment hanging out with non plant based people at a state park.
Living your best plant based life does not have to be difficult, restrictive or limited. When the goal is the healthiest lifespan your can achieve, nutrition and exercise are at the top of the list. Enjoy this podcast of gratitude for a wonderful weekend with our ultra loving friends.
Shout out to Lynda and Lew Albert for their ongoing support in our plant based ultra lives.
Plant Based Decreases Cancer Risk: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/growing-evidence-suggests-plant-based-diets-reduce-cancer-2025a100011d?form=fpf
Practice information/Consultations: https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/
Questions: [email protected]
Dietary consultations: [email protected]
Strength training: [email protected]
Ebook: https://doctordulaney.com/powerful-plates-ebook/
Cookbook: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq
Water distiller: https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. code: cleanwaterforsophie