Episode 81 of Órlas Happy Hormones Podcast has just gone live and this week I'm saying a big thank you for the 10,000 downloads :) and going through the top 10 listened to episodes and where I was at at the time of recording them.
This episode is more of a personal one than a breakdown of each episode. Reflecting back on the journey of this podcast and my own personal journey over the last two years. There's some things in here I haven't spoken about publicly before and they are topics I thought I'd never be able to speak about outside of my closest people. This may be a triggering episode for some people, so if you are not in the best place right now, maybe hold off on listening to it.
My top listened to episodes:
1. Ep.1 What is your menstrual cycle?
2. Ep. 46 Sex: Libido, Pain & Intimacy.
3 Ep. 54- 2 week wait, Adrenal fatigue & Candida
4. Ep. 57- Break ups & Heartache.
5. Ep. 31- IBS, Gut Health & Herbs
6. Ep. 71- Chats with Laura Fox
7. Ep. 60-Lessons From the Sea
8. Ep. 17-Stress, Adrenal Fatigue & Burnout
9. Ep. 63- Ways to cultivate Joy & Happiness
10. Ep. 62- Top 3 Supplements for Hormones.
Happy Friday