Why become a skilled, and compassionate, breathwork teacher? Join this free email journey to find out: https://mailchi.mp/breathewithniall/teacher
Learn more at The Blissful Breath Academy: https://www.breathewithniall.com/the-blissful-breath-academy
We offer breathwork teacher training in Ireland and online.
Our goal is to help you become a skilled, and compassionate, breathwork teacher.
🙌 Our mission is better breathing for everyone. Feel better. Breathe better.
🫁 Find out more about my work: https://www.breathewithniall.com
🌎 Find me on social media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breathewithniall
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@breathewithniall
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breathewithniall_now